The Institute for Building Construction (IBK) at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart consists of three independent chairs with their own specialties and infrastructure.
In the chair IBK2 - Building Construction, Building Technology and Design the methodical focus is on the research of solar, glass and wind technologies for broad application in buildings.
The chair IBK3 - Sustainability, Building Construction and Design aims at the establishment of an architectural culture of sustainability. The concept of "sustainable action" is not only understood here as foresighted action, but also as guidance for overcoming crises.
Altogether the research of the chairs at the IBK is concerned with the investigation of new ways of construction of buildings.
The research of the Institute for Building Construction, Building Technology and Design refers to the research of new construction methods. The focus here is on solar, glass and wind technologies for implementation in buildings.
At the chair IBK3 - Sustainability, Building Construction and Design the "Handlungswissen" is integrated into building practice under the aspects of sustainability.
One research focus is dedicated to the analysis of the changes in our perception due to the increasing presence of digital image media in architecture and the creation of altered spatial concepts, needs and atmospheres. These findings also free us in the fundamentals of design from an outdated rationality and a stagnant concept of modernity.
The teaching at the chairs of the IBK provides knowledge about constructions and materials in building.
The Institute for Building Construction, Building Technology and Design (IBK2) imparts particularly construction-technological knowledge. Projects such as the solarization of urban infrastructure areas are passed on to students, giving them the opportunity to participate in the creation of buildings.
The Institute for Sustainability, Building Construction and Design (IBK3) imparts knowledge in building technology, especially with regard to sustainability. Seminars are offered that deal with problems such as the creation of affordable housing.

Martin Ostermann
Prof. Dipl.-Ing., Architekt Grad. Dipl. Des. (AA)Professor
Chairholder IBK2

Jens Ludloff
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Professor
Lehrstuhlinhaber IBK
Stv. geschäftsführender Direktor IBK