Module B2 'Integrated Project'

4th Semester

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The knowledge of the complex overall system of a building and the ability to consistently implement architectural intentions is the prerequisite for the work of the designing architect. Module B2 - Integrated Project Structural Engineering is intended to make clear the various requirements, dependencies and cross-connections that influence the planning of a building and to provide opportunities for weighing up the various aspects to be considered. The periodic courses of the winter semester in the modules Building Technology 1 and Building Technology 2 are therefore supplemented across the chairs by joint project work, which is offered by the Institutes of Building Construction - Chair 2 for Building Construction, Building Technology and Design, Supporting Structures and Structural Design as well as Building Materials Science, Building Physics, Building Technology and Design. The aim of the integration of the participating subjects is to convey the teaching contents as practically oriented as possible and to practice the creation of interdisciplinary connections.


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SOSE 2021 | Task definition Luftseilbahn Stuttgart

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