IGMAxIBK2 - Groundbreaking Stadtgarten

Design studio summer semester 2023

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In a joint IGmA and IBK2 design studio, students developed transformable buildings and events for the Stadtgarten in the winter semester of 2022/23. This gave rise to the idea for the "Groundbreaking Stadtgarten" festival, which will take place in the coming summer semester. A series of larger and smaller interventions are planned that will thematise the abysmal and subterranean nature of this location: It will be about the large colonial exhibition that was on show here in 1928; about the underground car park of the Katharinenhospital, whose escape routes end in trapdoors in the middle of the lawns; about perceived security and over-policing in Stuttgart; about demolitions, the planning history of the Stadtgarten, new building materials and much more. As a spotlight as part of the IBA'27 Festival #1, "Groundbreaking Stadtgarten" is expected to take place from 23 June to 22 July 2023 and will have high visibility in Stuttgart and beyond. The exploration of the Stadtgarten is also an opportunity to develop and test ideas, scenarios and projects for the development of K1 and Campus Stadtmitte far beyond the summer of 2023. Now that individual concepts and designs for the Stadtgarten have been developed, it is time to think about the individual projects together as a festival and start realising them. In this phase, we would like to open up the design to other students. To keep to the tight schedule, there will be an information event for interested parties in the winter semester 2022/23 and, by arrangement, some preparatory meetings during the lecture-free period. The 2023 summer semester will then be roughly divided into four phases: Further development and finalisation of the concept; approval, implementation and cost planning as well as ordering materials; construction and realisation from around mid-May; and finally, at the end of the semester, the co-hosting of the four-week festival itself. We will work closely together as a team to realise this major project. At the same time, it is possible to contribute individual strengths and interests in all phases. "Groundbreaking Stadtgarten" is an opportunity to try out things that rarely play a role in design theory, although they are central to the practice of many planners and architects: collective design and planning processes, implementation and approval planning, self-construction, experimental building, urban mediation, public relations and much more. We look forward to seeing you!

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