IGMAxIBK2 Pavilionism - Design Build

Design studio winter semester 2022 / 2023

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In summer of 2023, the International Building Exhibition 2027 will present the progress of its projects in the Stuttgart region to the public and put them up for discussion at the first IBA'27 Festival. We want to take part in the supporting programme of this event, which will last several weeks, with a design-build project in the Stadtgarten. In two consecutive joint design/project works of the IBK2 and IGmA in the winter semester of 2022/23 and in the summer semester of 2023, transformable buildings and events are to be designed, planned and realised.

In the winter semester 2022/23, we will discuss the relationship between building and institution, use and structure, function and representation and thus touch on fundamental architectural questions. Concepts for design-build projects in the Stadtgarten/Unicampus Stadtmitte, initial ideas and prototype models for forms and constructions as well as conceptual considerations for an architecture festival will then be developed individually or in small groups. Group work is expressly encouraged. At the end of the semester, designs, time and cost estimates should be available that will allow us to jointly realise selected projects in spring 2023 in the FutureMaterialLab (FuMALab), the research hall of IBK2 in Filderstadt.

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