
International Design studio winter semester 2022 / 2023

The theme of the international design is the development of a climate-sensitive high-rise building that can adapt to global severe weather events. The height of a high-rise building reflects the different effects of extreme weather such as heavy rain, storms and heat, as weather phenomena occur at different levels and altitudes. The aim is to investigate how it will be possible to live with future climate changes. At the same time, we also want to investigate how the natural forces of weather events can be utilised for the performance of buildings. The design aims to explore building resilience and the usability of the expected climate changes to develop a counter-model to a dystopian future perspective.
The location of the TransRiser is Europe. It is located where extreme weather situations are already occurring today. The excursion will take place in the first week of October. The destination will be mountainous Eurasia on the Black Sea. Due to the unforeseeable Covid-19 situation in autumn, more details have yet to be determined. The date of the excursion may still be postponed.

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