10th Caribbean Winter School

Entwurf IBK Wintersemester 2018 19

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The Caribbean Winterschool is an international annual workshop founded in 2010 by Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Technological University of Habana José Antonio Echeverría in Havana, Cuba.

Cuba has a rich and stirring history which is still told by the omnipresent relics of the past such as the old crumbling colonial mansions, the colorful bars and shops with interior which evoke memories of yesterday and the legendary American cars from the mid-19th-century. Currently Cuba is in the process of opening up to the world. This development can be seen as an economical and sociological change. This means not only a transformation of the metropolises such as Havana with its iconic buildings, the old town and the lively neighborhoods close by. Recent occurrences revealed the ecological consequences of climate change, especially for Central America, and showed that the city has to find ways to protect itself against future tempests.

The Caribbean WinterSchool is focussed on development of innovative concepts for urban design strategies for Havana in context of future changes. The workshop addresses students graduated with bachelor degree from a school of architecture.

The 3-week workshop combined with a scientific preparation phase will be rewarded with an international certificate upon completion of the program. The course is allocated with 12 Credits in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System ECTS.

During your period of residence you will be faced with various cultural discussions about Havana as an expanding city of change. Thereby your subject-specific skills will be strengthened in context of contemporary issues as mentioned before. The focus of the workshop is the development of an urban design concept in an authentic way of working with the help of conventional and even digital tools. To focus on the international idea of the workshop groups should reflect a certain kind of diversity. Therefore each working group consists of participants from different schools and countries to create an unique environment. Related to the old history of sugar trade in Cuba, the workshop will be located on a historic site of a former cane plantation. An old mansion offers great space to work on the objective together in a very special atmosphere.

Preparation Phase 
The first task is focussed on a self-organized scientific analysis on common architecture literature, which leads to a first short presentation as a foundation for the subsequent workshop. Literature references will be announced soon after your successful application.

The workshop concentrates on different areas of Havana every year. The Caribbean WinterSchool 2019 will focus the topic of shared spaces using the example of El Malecón. The exact task will be released within the first week of the workshop. The design process will be accomplished by on-topic lectures by international renown professors.

Prof. Fernando Ramos ETSAB Barcelona
Prof. Jordi Sutrias ESARQ Barcelona
Prof. i.V. Ulrich Blum MSA Muenster
Prof. Dr. Rubén Bancrofft CUJAE Havana
Prof. Joiselen Cazanave CUJAE Havana
Prof. Dr. Jorge Peña CUJAE Havana
Prof. Coling Pugh MSA Manchester
Prof. Jens Ludloff University of Stuttgart
Prof. Gavriela Nussbaum Technion Haifa

Betreuung: Sergi Egea Bohn M.A.

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